Saturday, September 13, 2008


Does anyone do their homework any more? Ocho Cinco, his agent, his Publicist, and others couldn't have found out before the name change, as well as NFL officials, that it would be a Ocho No-No conflict? Reebok has many, many dollars keeping Chad from pulling his plan off. First try did not work and second attempt looks like it is going to fail as well. OK, my point is that the NFL is one of the biggest companies in the world and no one felt this out? I mean, it changed his name on my fantasy league. It's not like that happens without some effort from some IT Cronies slaving away, making big bucks just to change it all back. I play fantasy football on NFL network. You don't think that their IT guys are making good money just to change that name back? I have seen at least six articles about this completely unworthy sports news story to ever hit the NFL news circuit. Also, why did Reebok wait until his name was changed to protest? As my links show, it was common knowledge. This is all a very trumped up attempt to sell more jerseys and make more money for folks that have to much already. At least I have started the number one sleeper in fantasy football(not just my opinion), Chris Johnson, against Cincinnati and their silly receiver. Also, the authors of this blog are playing each other in fantasy football this weekend and my opponent has Ocho No-No as a WR. I will update on the results. Should be a good event considering how competitive we are.